Project: Formosa Plastics Global Archive
The Formosa Plastics Global Archive supports a transnational network of people concerned about the operations of the Formosa Plastics Corporation, one of the world's largest petrochemical
The Formosa Plastics Global Archive supports a transnational network of people concerned about the operations of the Formosa Plastics Corporation, one of the world's largest petrochemical
This is a collection of community science in the Salton Sea in California Desert Communities.
A report by environemntal advocate Xavier Sun that documents water pollution at outfalls around the Sixth Naphtha Cracker Complex through the collection of plastic pellets ("nurdles").
This policy doesn't specifically address the needs of vulnerable popluations.
Three ways the arguements made in this article are supported includes:
The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 with the experiances of the Civil War still fresh on people's minds. After touring Europe and seeing the swiss Red Cross in action, Civil War nurse Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross to provide disaster relief and first aid both on the homefront and the front line. Early on, the Red Cross served to educate the public about topics such as first aid and water safety, while starting nursing programs and providing assistance to the military and military families. As new needs, such as blood donation, made themselves apparent, the Red Cross met these needs, starting donation programs and doing labratory research on the blood dontation technology and techniques starting in the 1960's.
Emergency response in the context of "boots on the ground" aid is not directly discussed in this article, however the greater complexities of humanitarian aid, which often do include medical emerency response, is the primary focus of this article. This article focuses more on humanitarian efforts and gender based violence which can be important when considering the methods and social reprecussions of giving emergency aid.
The corrective action suggested by the film is to strengthen public health networks and response capabilities in liberia by means such as constructing more hospitals and health facilities and training more doctors and nurses to take care of the large numbers of effected people in epidemic situations.
In recent years all over the country, there has been an increase in the targeting of EMS and fire professionals in violant crimes, a few of which this article goes into detail describing. More recently, buget cuts have reduced the number of available officers in the response area served by the Bethel Township Fire Department, preventing law enforcement to be able to respond to calls in a timely manner. This puts Fire/EMS providers at heightened risk.
A series of visualizations of the concept of "fast disasters."