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Image: Collage of Yunlin County

This is a collage of photos representing Yunlin County, including photos of the Xingang Fengtian Temple (Beigang), farmland (Dongshih), and 



In response to

The triages are shown in a flow-chart type of visualization. The rest are on a selection basis. For example, for management algorithms, we are first given the option of: Incident Orientation, Contamination: Diagnose/Manage, Exposure: Diagnose/Manage Acute Radiation Syndrome, and Exposure & Contamination. Clicking one leads you to further flow charts describing the actions that should be taken place. Within those exists more information in order to help healthcare providers make correct, educated decisions on treatment. 



They calculated the observed/expected (O/E) ratio of thyroid cancer prevalence for residents in Fukushima Prefecture that were below the age of 20. Observed prevalence was calculated by the number of thyroid cancer cases detected by the end of April 2015. The number of detected cases was corrected for screening rate by multiplying the inverse of the age-specific screening rate. The expected prevalence was obtained from another report, which was calulated using a life-table method using national estimates from 2001-10. Age-specific prevalence of thyroid cancer was estimated using the cumulative risk from 2010. The annual percent change of increasing cases of thyroid cancer was taken into account as well.