Pohang: POSCO Museum
Photo essay of wall text of POSCO Museum of Pohang
Photo essay of wall text of POSCO Museum of Pohang
Per Bech - Danish Psychiatrist who provided the author with a story about a patient of his. He is an innovator in clinical psychometrics.
Journal of the American Medical Association - in 1992 published an article about giving weight to the combination of doctor's experience and biological plausibility.
Hellmuth Kaiser - a teacher to the author and taught him about fictional cases portrayed on stage.
Oxford University Press - began publishing a journal devoted to case reports of patients.
New England Jounrl of Medicine - opened an issue with a case history to highlight patient experience.
Lone Lindberg - coauthor for Dr. Bech, point out that spontaneous recovery from depression late in life is rare
Leston Havens - psychoanalyst - uses an interesting approach with his patients
"The outside world's response to Haiti's continuing cholera epidemic offers a revealing window on this disheartening dynamic"
"The source [of cholera] is clear to public health experts: Cholera was brought to Haiti by Nepalese soldiers quartered in a United Nations peacekeeping camp that spilled its waste into a tributary of the Artibonite."
"The UN has, thus far, refused to acknowledge responsibility for the cholera catastrophe"
The author uses MSF essays and statistics. She also uses information from the WHO and other analysis frome xperts in the field to help frame her argument.