EnviroInjustice Researchers
Enviornmental injustice researcher's program pages.
Enviornmental injustice researcher's program pages.
Collections of readings that examine and conceptualize environmental injustice.
This app provides information for healthcare providers about radiological and nuclear emergencies. There is a website as well that has more data, images, and background material to supplement the app. The app has extensive information regarding patient care in the case of an emergency. They provide management algorithms, dose estimators, scarce resources triage tools, isotopes of interest, countermeasures (Rx), emergency contact information, videos, and information regarding triage.
This program is viewed as a novelty to the public, as it is the first college of its kind to offer a degree in homeland security and emergency preparedness. A number view it as a step in the right direction and an innovation. The program does not appear to have been around for long enough to yeild graduates, so those results are still unkown.
The citations in this article include not only the author's own work, but also many citations by other experts in the field and data. This tells us that the author did extensive research for this article and looked to others for opinions and information, instead of just using her own ethnographic research.
This work was supported by Grants-in-aid for the Cancer Control Policy from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan.
this report has spread to a number of academic institutions and their websites. This report seems to be relatively old, so I was unable to find any news reports that cited it. It appears that there are a number of other articles related to this topic; however, I was unable to find any direct connections between them and this report.
Methods used by Farmer, et al include collecting data from the study done in Baltimor in the 1990's. They analyzed the statistics and observations found as main points of their argument. The model used in Haiti and the results from other methods implemented by physicians in those areas are also used as arguments to strengthen the article.
This report addresses the issues of bias and discrimination, which is important for technical professionals to know so that they can avoid making these errors in judgement and provide proper standard of care to everyone. This is important because 19% of the respondents were refused treatment at one point, which is absolutely terrible.