Madison Elementary: BEHR map
This map shows the location of Madison Elementary, relative to BEHR Process Corporation's Standard facility and Gallade Chemical Inc., two nearby RMP facilities.
Santa Ana School Map: Hazards and Zone types
Map shows all the school in Santa Ana and the Hazards that surround them.
2020 Cenus Map Orange County: California's Hard-to-Count Communities (Non Citizens)
According to this map by Public Policy Institute of California is that it is revealed that 14.7% of Orange County’s population is noncitizens.
Orange County Healthy Places Index
This report shows the Healthy Places Index of Orange County.
Santa Ana Healthy Places Index
This report shows the Healthy Places Index of Santa Ana.
2020 Cenus Map Orange County: California's Hard-to-Count Communities
According to Public Policy Institute of California, 34.1 -57.1% of the population of Orange County are African Americans, Latinos, and Natibe Americans.
Children and Teens with Asthma
This graph shows the percentage of Children and Teens with asthma in Santa Ana from 2011-2017. In 2017-2018 Santa Ana had 13.8% of children and teens that had been diagosed with asthma.
jrtrini1 Annotation 1
jrtrini1I want to surround myself with people who want to make a difference in the world. I want to learn tools to make my passion for helping others a reality. I want to put public policy and research together and create realistic goals to eliminate policies that put low income residents at a disadvantage.
jtrini1 Santa Ana Annotation
jrtrini1On Wednesday Oct 5th 2022, CUAL (Communidad Unida Aire Limpio) hosted an air monitoring day. Santa Ana residents were asked to volunteer and donate their time. There was three shifts available (Morning 7am-10am, Noon 12pm-3pm, Evening 4pm-7pm). A volunteer will use the app Atmotube and pair their phone up with an air monitor. There are driving routes and walking routes. A person will need to stay at each stop of the route for 7 mins. After the route is done, the volunteer will go back and return the monitor and will then send their data to
This video is a Tik Tok I made about my experience with volunteering for CUAL.…
Century High School is “Highest Need”