Zackery.WhiteEmergency responders in this were mostly in charge of the inhabinants in the surrounding communities, as many of the scenes were considered too unsafe for normal "emergency responders".
Emergency responders in this were mostly in charge of the inhabinants in the surrounding communities, as many of the scenes were considered too unsafe for normal "emergency responders".
Multiple maps: Map tiles including street and satellite provided by Open Street Maps, MapQuest, and more
Data sources: Map and visualize data streams from third parties like Twitter, Twillio, SMSSync, Nexmo, FrontlineSMS, and email
Configurable charts: Chart your work with configurable bar and timelines views
Professionals can use this information of affected individuals in order to designate their post event focus on care for emergency providers.
Vincanne Adams - Former director of Medical Anthropology with UC Berkeley.
Diana English - Assistant Professor at Stanford Hospital and Clinics.
Taslim van Hattum - Director of Behavioral Health Integration for the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Research focuses on public health.
This article is referenced in approximately 40 peer reviewed papers, mostly focusing on the psychological effects of post-disaster mental health.
The article's main argument is that by depoliticizing sexual violence, the ability for sexual violence victims to receive humanitarian aid is drastically reduced.
Poeple can post photos or photosets. People can comment and like the posts.
Schmid’s main argument is that in order to create an effective international nuclear emergency response team one must take the opinions of the “lay community” not only the opinions of the scientific elites. This increase in diversified opinions will allow for not only a better prevention method, but for more of a better response to disaster.
Since this affects insurance, it may affect clinicians and paid EMS. If an individuals knows that they need attention but cannot afford to go and seek the appropriate treatment may affect the overall public health.