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Fieldnote May 9 2023 - 6:02pm

3/29 fieldnote





"... when restrictions on residence rights continued to be extended... illness ... opened new avenues and, ambibuously, new hopes." (page 83)

"... the issuing of a diagnosis and a prognosis ... becasme a problem of conscience... bot for the doctor who refused... and for the one who overstated the seriousness of the condition..." (page 97)

"The logic os state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed oer the universality of the principle of the right to life." (page 108)



This article discussses why Haiti can't "build back better" after the series of disasters that have come its way. The article mentions that Haiti has become reliant upon international contractors as aid when building back because of local and international distrust of the government. This combined with the fact that many public health experts think that the UN is responsible for the cholera outbreak has caused fewer donations, and those donations that are recieved to be used less efficiently.


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