Sherily's feedback
Sherily05110228Perhaps this eating habit is not a special case. You can ask different families if they have similarities or differences.
Perhaps this eating habit is not a special case. You can ask different families if they have similarities or differences.
This week's class was planned by Molly, who used shells to make decorations with the elders. The finished product is a bit like a wind chime.
This week's communication was very diverse. Originally, we were supposed to scan photos, but our group of grandmas forgot to bring them, so we spent the entire conversation.
The sky was gray, and I felt a bit nervous.
This week, the groups were regrouped, the interviewees were slightly different, and two more lively grandmas were added.
We spent this week's class with the older generation of Cultural Health Station. As soon as we entered the classroom, we danced and exercised with the elderly.
這週的課,我們是和老一輩文化衛生站一起度過的。一進教室,我們就和老人一起跳舞、鍛煉身體。之後,我們按照小組名單與我們的部落家庭會面。今天,我們主要會見了家裡開雜貨店的溫奶奶。在開始與部落居民互動之前,Scott 分享了他之前與土著朋友錄製的幾段傳統音樂錄音,並提醒我們與部落成員聊聊音樂相關的內容。
This project aims to provide an engaging project for post-secondary students (undergraduate and graduate) to gain experience with qualitative research methodology while contributing to public
I researched more into why the fire department’s Radios were having difficulties and issues, especially on the higher floors. First, the agency primarily used VHF (very high frequency) radios which are better for long distance when there is line-of-sight form point-to-point with minimal obstructions. UHF operates on a higher frequency and thus transmits with shorter wave-lengths which is better for object penetration. There are many challenges with radio communications in a city like NYC, starting with the sheer fact that to transmit directly from the ground to the top requires going through over a hundred stories of steel and concrete.
The repeaters worked to an extent. We know that they were operational and working, at least partly, as they recorded the relayed transmissions. The police used a separate but almost identical repeater as the fire department with mostly success. The NYFD experienced more issues. I found reports that claimed from fire fighters in the towers that while the transmissions were getting through, they were not understood due to the loud working environment and congested radio traffic.
The Incident Command System was largely ineffective. The only agency that was properly trained in ICS was the fire department which made inter-agency command and control through ICS moot. It was because of the events on 9/11/2001 that resulted in the development of the Nation Incident Management System, by the Department of Homeland Security, which encompasses ICS and more. Federal funding for emergencies now requires that NIMS be used as well as all first responders that respond to hazardous materials incidents be trained in the ICS.