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"Through close examination of concrete settings in which biosecurity interventions are being articulated, these chapters show that ways of understanding and intervening in contemporary threats to healt are still in formation: 'biosecurity' does not name stable or cleary define understanding and strategies, but rather a number of overlapping and rapidly changing problem areas."

"After considerable delay, we have recently seen the implementation of large-scale responses to these new infectious desiease threats that bring together governmental, multilater, and philanthropic organizations."

"...newly perceived threats to health... have placed greater pressure on public health departments and national security officials to develop an approach to disease events not easily managed thorugh the traditional paradigm of public health."



Scott Gabriel Knowles is the head of the Department of History at the University of Drexel College of Arts and Sciences. His work focuses on risk and disaster, with particular interest in modern cities, technology and public policy. He is a research fellow at the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware, and has been a member of the Fukishima Forum collaborative research community since its inception in 2011. His work on public policy in relation to disaster-preparedness is focused on his home city of Philidelphia, and has written extensively on how to better prepare the city and preserve its legacy.



Brian Concannon, executive director of the Insitute of Justice and Democracy in Haiti, a nonprofit in Boston. Fights for human rights on the island of Haiti. 

Carrie Kahn, NPR. National Public Radio, news source. 

President Michel Martelly, Haitain president. 

United Nations

Nepalese soldiers - brought with them cholera to Haiti. Sent from UN.

Ban Ki-moon - U.N. Secretary-General - led plan to eradicate cholera. 

Haitain Ministries of Health and Environment - not trusted by the world to control a trust fund

Jake Johnson - Center for Economic Policy and Research - Washington 

US Government Accountability Office - pricing the cost of building new housing too high

Mission of Hope - NGO helping build houses

US Congressmen - demaing UN Secretary-General take responsibility for outbreak

US District Court Judge J. Paul Oetken - rejected class-action lawsuit that saught to compel the UN to compensate victims and fund cholera eradication

Beatrice Lindstrom - lawter at the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti 



Mission statement "The Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights seeks to improve the health and human rights of criminal justice populations through education, research, and advocacy."

The Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights wants to use research on at-risk populations, such as those in prisons, and develope strategies into sustainable laws. Because this vision spans both the healthcare and policy for prisoners the program hopes to be able to attain this goal more effectively than if it were not interdisciplinary. A large part of their platform is advocacy. They wish to inform policy makers, healthcare professionals and indsutry, and the public about prisoners' lives and needs.



Emergency responders are portrayed in the film as being understaffed and overwhelmed by the outbreak. They show hospitals having to turn patients away due to being overwhelmed. They also show how Liberians were frustrated with this lack of communication between doctors and the patients. Nurses started dying from the disease, forcing hospitals to close. Responders had to deal with the community's denial of the disease, the lack of education, the rapid spread, and the number of patients. 


  1. "Part of the great appeal of humanitarianism is that it exemplifies moral certainty: it purports to save lives and alleviate suffering. How can one argue with this kind of moral imperative?"
  2. "But more significantly, in addition to revealing the reproduction of inequality, the fissures rendered visible by the entry of gender-based violence into humanitarian missions force an engagement with new forms of the political. Humanitarianism’s mission has expanded so that it now occupies a dominant place in the global political arena – whether humanitarians asked for this or not."
  3. "My argument is that while humanitarianism, in conjunction with certain feminist movements, may work to medicalise and depoliticise gender-based violence, the politics of gender actually creep back in undercover, revealing problems at the heart of the humanitarian mission – problems that undermine the very idea of a ‘humanitarian space’ critical to humanitarian action, that is, a space that tries to temporarily hold the political at bay."
  4. "That is, if one errs on the side of the duty to bear witness, this is considered ‘political’ and threatens the neutrality which gives access to crisis zones. It is a fine line to tread."