a_chen“The OSHA law makes it clear that the right to a safe workplace is a basic human right.”
“In 1970, an estimated 14,000 workers were killed on the job – about 38 every day. For 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports this number fell to about 4,500 or about 12 workers per day.”
Industrial works have increased in US such as construction works, shipyard employments and marine terminals. These works are highly dangerous and there were not standards set before the OSHA Law established to protect workers’ safety and working conditions.
a_chenStakeholders with this film could be doctors, international-wide medical and health services or professionals studied within the field of health conditions in the third-world countries. The MSF members (doctors) are the first person who get into contact with the locals, they would experience a range of situations with during and aftermath of the disaster. They have focused on the practical side of the medical service with contrast to the United Nation, UNICEF only planned the theoretical plans with meetings that MSF would said that are not suitable with the situations they have faced (~49:00 – 51:00). After the mission the MSF member served, each one of them have decided the future paths which assist the development of medical health within these areas in some ways. Professionals interesting in this field might benefit from the film fieldtrip recording and gain relevant research based on the situations described in the film in order to plan a possible solution to current situations or make plan for the future possible situation to prevent lack of medical service within third world countries and increase overall public health.
a_chenAs previously mentioned in question two, there is a lot of features that Clod9 offered to specific group of users. With these features and functions, the users can connect together.
Patients: Conveniently take and learn from self-assessments; Easily talk to providers via live video; Track daily emotional and mental states; Save time and money
Providers: Extend patient reach and service area; Gain insights from mobile patient generated data; Cut practice overhead costs; Add new revenues via newly reimbursable CPT codes
Organizations: Create patient and provider efficiencies; Easily integrate as much or little as needed; Leverage new administrative analytics; Lower costs / new revenue / new CPT codes
a_chenThis policy is a basic guideline for the first responders to gain awareness and take action to relevant environmental contamination incidents.
a_chenThe convention is drafted with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). It is adopted by the General Conference at the special session, 24‐26 September 1986.
a_chenThese reports are translated in to visualised form such as open street maps, timelines, charts etc. The apps enable the user to manage the data in to workflows for future respond effectively.
a_chenThe Origami Bridge is intended to solve the problem that occur when there are mass destructions with natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes that resulted in the destroy of the local bridge. Whereas the design is aimed to substitute the local bridges with temporary bridge, furthermore to improve the transportation within the area aftermath. The design also considers the time matters during a disaster environment.
a_chenThey worked with a social ecology that is consider closely related to federal government, by control and prevent the issues can assist government boost the employment rate and further with economy boost.
Photo essay to introduce viewers to Bondo sub-county in Kenya