a_chenThe functions of the system are built based on a modern PHP stack. The user interface is built with JS, HTML and CSS. Therefore, the development can be supported by the code libraries. And hence it is an open source software, user can customised the structure to match the user habits. Volunteers are also welcome to integrate the system.
a_chenThe article has reveal the trust issue (crisis) dealing between the local publics and the health department workers on the spread of Ebola (and anyone that assist with the work of spreading the awareness of Ebola). This issue is revealed via the several violence acts happened in the area. These cases are reported with briefs of scenes and relevant data.
a_chenThe aim of OSHA is to assure the safety and working conditions (prevent workers from being killed or seriously harmed at work []) for either the public or private sectors workers and employers by referring to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. The content of the act is reach through the works by training, education and assistance. This act has a coverage to all 50 states and the outer continental shelf lands.
a_chenThe vulnerable population in this study has highlighted the lack of health facilities and health care that deal with incarcerated group. And furthermore to resulted in a worse situation in the health quality. “…leaving the addicted subject to withdrawal during incarceration and more vulnerable to overdose upon release.” [pg. 5] That is incarceration looks like providing protective health to the general public, but afterwards it becomes a health risk to the publics once the incarcerated group been released from the prisons and jails.
a_chenThe main focus group of the article is the physicians that involved in the injection decision to the patients. The discussion to the article questioned on the ethical issue towards overdose injection in order to “help” the patients to relief their pains that causes the death to the patients.
a_chenThe policy is drafted based on the request of CWIRT (Chemical Weapons Improved
Response Team) that concerning the first responders’ liability during a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) terrorist incident. It is about the first responders’ liability for
spreading contamination while attempting to save lives.
a_chenThis report has provided a detail data from many countries that including the states involving the nuclear activities and the internationally formed organisations to provide technical information to assist the works. Therefore, the implications of this report to the technical professionals will be very useful in the research.
Photo essay to introduce viewers to Bondo sub-county in Kenya