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Bruze Nizeye and Sara Stulac both work with Partners in Health (founded by Paul Farmer) while Salmaan Keshavjee is a physician and researcher whose expertise is in multi-drug resistant tuberculosis and global health. Farmer's and Keshavjee's anthropological research in particular is important to emergency response because it would allow for improved preparation of treatment to those communities. Their work in seeing the social causes of health epidemics would also allow for better prevention of disasters. 



They have incrediable amounts of research over the course of their history. Within the last year, they published a paper on the care for victims of sexual violence. This article address how they have been handling sexual violence over the past decade as well as the pressure it puts on the orgnaization and its need to continue its aid.



1. Multi-drug resistant HIV and impact to treatments and research

2. Rudolph Virchow and his work in public health

3. "In the two rural districts of Rwanda in which the PIH model was introduced in May 2005, an estimated 60 percent of inhabitants are refugees, returning exiles, or recent settlers; not a single physician was present to serve 350,000 people." -looked up how this came to be; was there any healthcare available to them at all?



-          Initially, it discusses a circular published in 1997, which addresses the problems faced by undocumented immigrants in France and the problems they face getting medical treatment, which eventually went on to turn in to law and improve the welfare of ill illegal residents. This was in the face of many years of increasing laws restricting undocumented resident’s rights in France.

-          Then, it speaks of a specific plight of a French resident from Senegalese, and his request for medical attention, the avenues he had explored to get treatment, how he couldn’t return to his homeland, and how he had, in many ways, given up in the system and was relying on his failing body to arouse compassion from the government.

-          Talks about how the restructuring of the French economy has changed employment needs in France; once, foreign immigrant labor powered the workforce, and made a living through their physical well-being. Now, with the decline of this type of job availability, a change was needed to how the French government deals with illness in foreign residents.



The author is Didier Fassin, a French sociologist and anthropologist who was trained as a physician in internal medicine. He developed the field of critical moral anthropology and currently does research on punishment, asylum, and inequality. This research looks at the social and political forces that affect public health trends, so is not directly involved in emergency response.