Transnational STS COVID-19 Project
This is the Transnational STS COVID-19 project page.
Energy in COVID-19: Monthly Media Briefs
This timeline serves as a record of the monthly Media Briefs of the Energy in COVID-19 research group.
T-STS COVID-19 Project Research Updates
For regular updates from the Transnational STS COVID-19 Project working groups.
EIC-19 Past Meetings
This Text Artifact serves as a living record of the Energy in COVID-19 working group's past meetings.
Reading The Birth of Energy
The Energy in COVID-19 working group is hosting a discussion of Cara N.
COVID19 Places: India
This essay scaffolds a discussion of how COVID19 is unfolding in India. A central question this essay hopes to build towards is: If we examine the ways COVID19 is unfolding in India, does "Ind
COVID19 India Group November 2020 Update
This is a collage made from the visuals discussed by this artifact's contributors at the T-STS COVID19 India Group meeting on November 24, 2020
The Energy in COVID-19 monthly Media Briefs collect the latest news read by our working group members.