Project: Environmental Injustice in Santa Ana, California, USA
This project creates space for collaborative work to characterize and address enviornmental injustice in the City of Santa Ana in Southern California.
This project creates space for collaborative work to characterize and address enviornmental injustice in the City of Santa Ana in Southern California.
* Structural - Local Universities, Marie Curie, EU Comission, States
* internationally connected climate activism (Last Generation/Fridays for Future), permaculture movments/farms, "green" star-ups, local farmers
How can collaboration in the field be practically thought if the time frame is alreay set for three years?
Can temporalities be questioned if the temporality of neoliberal university is strcuturing the project?
This is a powerpoint slide on Spatial Representation.
Fast disasters are environmental hazards that erupt quickly, that often require an emergency response.
This indicator represents an asthma rate. It is an estimate of the number of emergency department visits for asthma per 10,000 people over the years 2015 to 2017.
At the school there are various community assets.
There is one main indigenous group that settled in Azusa. They are called the Tongva Tribe.
Google map view of BrassTech Inc.