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"I argue that the shift to gender-based violence as the exemplary humanitarian problem could not have happened without the prior move to medicalise gender-based violence, and render it a medical condition like all others."

"Approaching gender-based violence as a medical or health issue alters how violence is both approached and understood; that is, rather than understanding gender violence in the context of gendered relations of power, or as part of larger histories and expressions of inequality which are inseparable from histories of class or race or colonialism, this type of medicalisation transforms gender-based violence into an emergency illness, requiring immediate intervention"

"Rape in armed conflicts played a central role in the recognition of the category of gender-based violence, putting it onto the human rights radar screen, first in the former Yugoslavia and later in Rwanda; human rights approaches forced the international humanitarian law system to understand rape as a particular form of violence"

"The role of humanitarian organisations was growing exponentially during this time: humanitarian intervention became increasingly important on the international scene after the 1994 Rwandan genocide, and humanitarian organisations took their place as autonomous interlocutors, as recognised by the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to MSF in 1999"



“The Hague Street inquest featured many experts, none with the authority to effect real change. The result was a blanket of blame that covered everyone”

"Blame, memorial, and reconstruction tend to outpace technical consensus."

"Investigators had no power to protest the decision. In fact, their initial request to inspect the steel had been lost in the confusion by city officials still pressed with the responsibility of looking for bodies."



I would say that the perspectives of the government as well as first responders were not included in this film. They were not able to communicate the stresses as well as the lack of resources and man power. There were no viewpoints from first responders or volunteers, having that testimony would have more accurately depicted the hardships that first responders and aid were facing. 



The argument is supported through the presentation of research and findings from two research workshops that were organized in 2014 and 2015, which brought together experts and researchers in the field who analyzed organizational efforts and the efforts addressed in terms of  violence effecting healthcare delivery. In depth interviews were also utilized to support the argument as well as the analysis of current facts, figures and data that is currently out there on this topic.



Vincanne Adams - Former director of Medical Anthropology with UC Berkeley.

Diana English - Assistant Professor at Stanford Hospital and Clinics.

Taslim van Hattum - Director of Behavioral Health Integration for the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Research focuses on public health.



The author supports his arguments by discussing other events such as the US capitol building burning, the Hague Street boiler explosion, and Iroquois Theater Fire. The Capital Building section of the paper focused on the investigation that followed and what it revealed in terms of the people's concern of the meaning behind the burning of the building, rather than the building actually falling down. This section follows the investigation as well as the ultimate rebuilding of the Capitol. The Hague Street Explosion was similar in that there was an investigation. This investigation was focused on figuring out a party to blame. It was ultimate decided everyone involved with the boiler at all was responsible. The Iroquois theater fire section discussed mechanisms that caused and could have accounted for what occurred. Building codes were questioned as well and proved to be a unique disaster investigation. This was due to the factor of public responsibility at play in this disaster. 


Alexi Martin

The main findings/arguements presented in this article is the need to stop putting the possibility of a nuclear disaster on the back burner and becoming more well versed in how to handle these accidents and how to prevent them from occuring. This can be accomplished by creating an internation SWAT team that is trained to handle international nuclear diasters.


Alexi Martin

The report's bibliography, while not directly presented, can presume to be very extensive. The atuhor needs evidence to support her argument as well as her field work. Backround knowledge also needs to be supported.