joerene.avilesThe program was funded by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who gave $15 million to create the college.
joerene.avilesThe study analyzes the high incarceration rates in the U.S. as an epidemic connected to the lack of public health resources available to populations being arrested.
joerene.avilesThe main findings in the article include the development of mental health disorders in disaster victims, looking at risks, psychopathology, course of the disorders, prevention, treatment and recovery.
joerene.avilesThe stakeholders are Dr. Atul Gawande, other healthcare professionals, and the patients with terminal illnesses. They have to decide what the patient's priorities are, treatment options, and basically how much time and quality of life patients are willing to trade for extended years to live. Is the treatment making the patient worse or better? Doctors have to put themselves in a position of vulnerability by personally getting to know their patients, and deal with the guilt and blame if their treatments aren't successful or what they had said to the patient's family.
joerene.aviles1. Under private equity ownership, some ambulance response times worsened, heart monitors failed and companies slid into bankruptcy, according to a Times examination of thousands of pages of internal documents and government records, as well as interviews with dozens of former employees. In at least two cases, lawsuits contend, poor service led to patient deaths.
2. “Private equity has, in this case, threatened public safety,” said Richard Thomas, the mayor of Mount Vernon, N.Y, which relied on TransCare. “It’s not the way to treat the public.”
3. Do the Write Thing “didn’t sit well with the firefighters,” said Nico Latini, who has worked at Rural/Metro for a decade. “We operate under a high level of integrity and we do the right thing every day — with an R, not a W.”
joerene.avilesEmergency response isn't explicitly addressed in the article, but in order to incorporate structural interventions into public health, emergency response would have to be improved as well. As the article states, there are many "diseases of poverty" and medical emergencies would be more common in those populations. Noting these trends can streamline medical response and help with providing education/ resources to prevent emergencies.
joerene.avilesOn the ResearchGate website, the article was cited 28 times in other works; the top 3 studies/ articles were: "A Pre-Event Configuration for Biological Threats", "Airports, localities and disease", and "Repositioning the Front Lines?: Reflections on the Ethnography of African Stereotypes".
joerene.avilesThe author is Scott Gabriel Knowles, an Associate Professor and Department Head at Drexel University. He specializes in the history of technology, disasters, and public policy. His work looks at the policies and technologies created for emergency response.
joerene.avilesVincanne Adams is a professor at the UCSF School of Medicine with research done in global health, critical medical anthropology, and Asian medical systems among other topics. Taslim Van Hattum is an artist and social worker, and is currently Director of the Maternal and Child Health Portfolio at the Louisiana Public Health Institute. Diana English is an Assistant Clinical Professor of gynecologic oncology at Stanford Hospital. She has published research on uterine serous carcinoma, but also participates in community/ international service in developing countries.
When it comes to emergency response, they deal with the populations that are most affected by disasters or are socially/ economically disadvantaged and are more often in need of EMS.