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St. Louis Anthropocene: displacement & replacement


A brief essay about St. Louis' notorious eminent domain history--

--along with 2 recent St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles about "urban renewal" projects that are scheduled to reoccupy the Mill Flats area, which hosted the most notorious episode of displacement of African-American communities: the Chouteau Greenway project (will it serve or displace low-income St. Louisans?); and SLU's Mill Creek Flats high-rise project, which certainly will, and whose name seems to me an especially tone-deaf if gutsy move...



This study looks at the connection between structural violence (social arrangements that put individuals and populations in harms way) to the spread of HIV/AIDs in America and abroad. Instead of looking at HIV/AIDs as a disease that is spread due to an individual’s lifestyle and decisions, it approaches the disease as something that aggregates disproportionately in impoverished communities. This same methodology is applied to the prevalence of pediatric aids in Rwanda, looking at which mothers have access to the appropriate healthcare equipment and why.



Andrew Lakoff is a cultural anthropologist at University of Southern California. He studies social theory and medical anthropology.

Stephen Collier is a doctor of philosophy, derpartment of Anthropology, at the University of California Berkeley. He also studies social theory and social policy.

Both have studied policies on medical aid and global health.

Some othe rpublications:

"Vaccine Politics and the Management of Public Reason"

"Global Health Security and the Pathogenic Imaginary"

"Real-Time Biopolitics: The Actuary and the Sentinel in Global Public Health"

"Vital Systems Security: Reflexive Biopolitics and the Government of Emergency"



The understanding of disasters and their relation to global mental health, both to those who suffered directly from then and to those who were part of the greater community of those who suffered, is constantly evolving. Analyzation of past research and the current methods of study allow the global community to effectively understand and treat mental health on a large scale.