ciera.williamsThe policy addresses the "vulnerable" population of EMS personnel who are underprepared or not accompanied by law enforcement officers.
The policy addresses the "vulnerable" population of EMS personnel who are underprepared or not accompanied by law enforcement officers.
Funding appears to come from the university, along with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
I used my already existing knowledge of the UN's structure and purpose to further synthesize the role and ability of the UN Special Envoy to Haiti. I also followed up on what sort and amount of aid US AID has been giving to Haiti. From their website, I discovered that they have donated $4.2 billion to date and have assisted in improving legal protections for vulnerable populations. Finally, I followed up on the fact that at press-time, the UN had not admitted responsibility for the cholera outbreak. I found a New York Time article dated 17 AUG 16 that says they had and are making significant new actions toward improving the situation.
This has been referenced in a number of articles involving similar topics.
I'm not sure if other systems have been modeled off this one; however, it seems as though the Disaster STS network uses a similar system of annotating works in order to share their concepts and engage in discussions with others.
This was a retrospective study. While not the most accurate and well supported way to conduct a study, due to the effects of recall bias, it was really the only way to gain the data that was presented in the report. There isn't really anything new about the style of research.
This organization doesn't get involved with legislation in the regions in which they are operating. They instead focus on providing care to those affected by any number of disasters or calamities. This focus shows that they are more concerned about the immediate well-being of their patients than trying to influcence local governments to make policy changes.
The policy definitely provides a good amount of suport for a large amount of people affected. However, certain populations are left out of this. The large number of transiet persons, as well as non-resident people, in New York City is enourmous. These people were surely affected by the attacks, but are not included in the policy. This is, of course, understandable, as tracking the presence of these people's is nearly impossible nearly 10 years after the attacks. Regardless, it is a flaw in the policy.
As mentioned in an earlier annotation, the bibliography shows a great deal of primary and secondary sources as well as other analyses, showing that this article was produced like many other historical research peices - the author uses historical perspective to frame a period in the reader's mind, which allows them to further argue their point.