wolmadBased on available resources, it does not appear that this paper has been discussed or cited in any publically available research or forums. While it is widely published and is readily available, this is a relitively new text, which could contribute to this.
wolmadDepending on the source, there have been greatly mixed reviews on this topic, even from within the Fire/EMS profession. While some feel that this is a great way for paramedics and EMTs to make their job safer, many also feel that the risks of bringing firearms into a profession where its providers are taught to "first, do no harm" is counterproductive and even dangerous.
wolmadThe information from this article was drawn from various primary sources such as letters, historical and modern news reports pertaining to the cases being studied, and other peer reviewed articles.
a_chenThis convention has well received by the states’ government that signed, with supplementary information written in six major languages used internationally. This information might not have delivered well enough to the general publics since the lack of social media promotion.
wolmadBecause this document is the first chapter of a book, there was no source list provided, therefor no conclusions could be drawn.
a_chenThe program is available with Handicap-International with partners by USAID. Standardize professional skills in rehabilitations field is also available via distance learning such as discussion forums and e-learning courses.
wolmadThe bibliography of this article is extensive, showing a clear depth of research. Information from this article was drawn from not only first hand resources such as interviews and news reports, but also from goverment reports and the work of other researchers.
a_chenThe Origami Bridge (Mobile Bridge Version 4.0) is designed to use in the area that have been destroyed and yet need a temporary bridge in order to connect the transportation to other areas. So the design is intended to use in area that has earthquakes, floods or landslides.
wolmadAccording to Google Scholar, this piece has been cited in 39 other articles, mostly relating to disaster recovery and phychopathology.