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I further researched present undertakings at the chernobyl site for mitigation of nuclear effects, the pathophysiology of radiation poisoning, and how scientific evidance gained from chernobyl has effected how treatment for radiation poisoning is completed.



The main argument is supported through several methods, first the use of demographic statistics on the patients suffering from mental illness after several significant disasters. The experiences of patients with severe mental illness are also presented as supporting evidence of the complicated causes of disaster related mental illness. Finally the article includes data and theories presented in several other papers to provide a basis for the claims of the authors regarding the future studies of mental illness and the support systems that would be ideal in minimizing the trauma of a disaster.



1. “A series of factors – demographic changes, economic development, global travel and commerce, and conflict – ‘have heightened the risk of disease outbreaks,’ ranging from emerging infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and drug resistant tuberculosis to food borne pathogens and bioterrorist attacks.”

2. “Although there is a great sense of urgency to address contemporary biosecurity problems— and while impressive resources have been mobilized to do so — there is no consensus about how to conceptualize these threats, nor about what the most appropriate measures are to deal with them.”

3. “There is no such thing as being “too secure.” Living with risk, by contrast, acknowledges a more complex calculus. It requires new forms of political and ethical reasoning that take into account questions that are often only implicit in discussions of biosecurity interventions.” 



Three ways the arguements made in this article are supported includes:

  1. The article provides background information on what the narrative of an illness is and gives an analisys of what effects how a patient will percieve and present their narrative.
  2. the article presents stories of epilepsy patients in Ankara, who describe their diagnosis and treatment
  3. statistics and analytics generated by studies of the region



The group works within the US community, where there is a strong sense of pride for the military and respect for the sacrifice of those serving. This translates to the thinking of the organization which includes free care to those in need, an attempt to form a strong sense of community among its members, and honorable burial for veterans.



“A six­month examination by The Times found that the rescuers' ability to save themselves and others was hobbled by technical difficulties, a history of tribal feuding and management lapses that have been part of the emergency response culture in New York City and other regions for years.”

''It's a disgrace,'' he said. ''The police are talking to each other. It's a no­brainer: Get us what they're using. We send people to the moon, and you mean to tell me a firefighter can't talk to a guy two floors above him?''



Emergency response in the context of "boots on the ground" aid is not directly discussed in this article, however the greater complexities of humanitarian aid, which often do include medical emerency response, is the primary focus of this article.  This article focuses more on humanitarian efforts and gender based violence which can be important when considering the methods and social reprecussions of giving emergency aid.



The study does not directly address vulnerable populations, but rather focuses on including all relevant populations involved in a disaster including those reluctant to take surveys or be interviewed, or communities that are not often studies or may have had little to no exposure in order to maintain the proper control group.