SfAA Panel: Beyond Environmental Injustice
Essay for the double-panel "Beyond Environmental Injustice", 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, March 22-27, 2021.
wolmad1. The article analyzes the existing international nuclear regulatory groups and determines their capabilities and possible shortcomings in organizing such a group.
2. The article analyzed how nuclear emergency response has been handeled in the past and how goverments have prepared for future disasters.
3. The article outlined some requirements a nuclear emergency response agency would need to meet and some chalenges it would face.
wolmadI found parts of the film where the narrator discusses his father to be particularly compelling, because the treatment course that the father took directly influenced how the narrator sees pallative and end of life care and provided a lense from which to look at the rest of the film.
Law does more than codify, regulate, and control; it also catalyzes and transmutes, provoking cascading social and cultural effects, particularly when the force of law is informational.