EiJ Hazard: PFAS
FOR ECOGOVLAB/CCEJP CURRICULUM: Use this as a research resource during 11th and 12th Grade Lesson 2 on Hazards.
FOR ECOGOVLAB/CCEJP CURRICULUM: Use this as a research resource during 11th and 12th Grade Lesson 2 on Hazards.
I hope to be involved in projects that aim to gather scientific evidence to inform environmental decision making and advocate for greater equity and justice in environmental governance. Through this work, I hope to learn the skills needed to engage in community based research and leverage community knowledge as expert knowledge. In my department, things are often siloed and issues are only seen through one perspective. I really want to gain more experience in collaborating with a wide array of stakeholders to come up with approaches to mitigate the environmental injustices experienced in under-resourced communities.
This article has been referenced in 16+ anthropological papers on PMC. Most of the references are for papers that deal with references for HIV in urban communities.
The mission statement summarizes the aim of the Partners in Health as "to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair". They are available to many of the suffering third-world countries that lack modern medicine. They are aided by the most prominent health care leaders in the world. They want to treat those in need of medical care like family, not just giving, but making them feel like they belong and are deserving of the same level of care.
Emergency response is not directly addressed in this article, however there is likely some emergency response occuring in the countries that are needing the humanitarian aid. Hopefully the first responders there are well trained in responding to victims of sexual assault if that is something that they see more often, if it is something that people would call an ambulance for in those areas.
Doctors Without Borders comes with a unique aspect of non-bias for the people they give care. Just as a hospital should have no bias, MSF has no religious affiliation, pays no attention to social classes and does not participate in political battles. This lack of bias allows for the most effect when administering emergency patient care.
The web platform was made for socail scientists and ebola control workers, so that they had a way to communicate, share stories, and review information from other cases. They also serve as an advisor in this way, for the responders as well as volunteer organizations going abroad to help.
It doesn't cover many people that openly do have insurance, nor does it interview the healthcare providers outside of the ER, like the PCPs, the recovery facilities, etc.
A GoogleDoc link to a bibliogrpahy about PFAS in Santa Ana and community-led responses