ciera.williamsUsers can comment on and respond to comments about specific cases. This allows for differential diagnosis informaly through peer review. You can also favorite and follow cases/ other users
Users can comment on and respond to comments about specific cases. This allows for differential diagnosis informaly through peer review. You can also favorite and follow cases/ other users
The author looked at trends in medical journals and other publications - seeing how they treated stories compared to data. He also used his own experience with stories in medicine and the experiences of a friend of his, Dr. Bech.
"The purpose of this essay is to discuss a truly formidable task, the creation of an international nuclear emergency response team"
This quote sets up the rest of the article by showing the reader, regardless of their background or knowledge, that the creation of such a team is going to be difficult. Beyond the standard challenge of creating a unified emergency response team, it is an international one - therefore with language barriers, geographical differences, and large distances to travel in the case of an emergency. And futhermore, it is a team created to deal with the incertainty of nuclear materials in an emergency situation - even more of a challenge.
Most of the data came from the MSF book of essays as well as other humanitarian aid studies and data.
This is a program targeted to students with bachelors, masters, or professional degrees who desire to protect people from the various consequences of nuclear disasters.
They do not seem to be very unique in any way, just the fact that they respond quickly, with plenty of resources, and the desire to do good with the resources they have, makes them a good organization. Their nurses and workers are highly trained but also have compassion, so they do not come off as trying to take over, but rather as trying to help the community from the bottom up.
The film is best for anyone over the age of 10. Everyone has the potential to find themselves in an ER at any point, so seeing this film is very good for giving perspective and probably makes the lives of the staff easier if the people coming in know a little more. It's hard when they can't do much to make the wait shorter but they are still being sworn at, so if everyone watched this film and had their eyes opened a bit more, then maybe they would find more patience and understanding for those around them in an ER. Nobody wants to be there and a little kindness to go around would only help. It can't make the wait any longer.
The author used a combination of field-based research and article examination to produce their arguments and conclusions.
The platform has posts that are tagged with varios topics, and each is under one of the following categories: identifing and diagnosing, mananging the dead, caring for the sick, research/clinical trials, preparedness, comminication and engagement. There are field notes, briefings and guides, and background types of posts. These filters allow someone to quickly search for a topic and a type of post so that they can find what they need and read up on a topic before they may be faced with a similar situation. If you have information you want to post, you can email in and they will post it.