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The American Red Cross has created a number of structures that contribute to disaster response. Its contributions to the National Response Framework and its close ties with FEMA make it a large player in the national emergency response network. The ARC provides guidelines on subjects like CPR that play into the emergency response of individuals and agencies. Overall, the ARC approaches disaster response with an "all in it together" view, with volunteers being the backbone of all its efforts. 



The author used direct quotes from research papers, speeches, and other publications by experts in multiple fields from public health policy to medicine to government relations. These were discussed and examined against others to produce a discussion rather than just an article full of information. 



The article was written in a very "flowery" style typical of fictional and/or emotionally appealing narratives. That being said, the majority of the information used was requoted or cited from articles and books recounting the major events. The portion on 9/11/2001 is largely based on reports from the incident, first hand accounts, and the author's personal opinion.


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The film goes through the lives of those in the emrgency room of a hospital: the doctors, nurses, patients, families. It looked at how some families don't have any choice other than to go to the ER, which makes the wait times longer. It shows how the field is different than the doctors thought when going into it, but it is still rewarding and they can change lives. It shows holes in the system and how easy it is for people to fall through the cracks, especially if they do not have insurance or a PCP. There is stress on everyone involved to keep people moving but making sure nobody is forgotten. Traumas also bump those waiting farther down the list.