The Radiological Protection System - Steve Terada
Steve Terada
Masters Student, Nagasaki University
Department of Disaster Radiation Medical Sciences
Joint Graduate Course with Fukushima Medical University
Nwoya Environmental Injustice Record
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Test project Heidi
In the spirit of life long learning
Testproject DM
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
a_chenPersonally thinks that this design is quite innovative in the way of applying existing design structure and mechanic to form new designs for the greater use such as building temporary bridges.
a_chenThe object focused in this epidemiological study is the incarcerated group. Whereas the study has focused on the reason why certain group of people incarcerated and therefore increase the amount of drug uses and decrease the health quality. The formation of the incarcerated community has spotted on analyzing few areas that include human races, relevant family incomes and the facilities with health care in both prisons and jails.
This case study report was developed in the class “Advanced Social Medicine'' in the Nagasaki University|Fukushima Medical University Joint Graduate School, Division of Disaster and Radiation Medic