Robeson banner 1
created by Lena Fortun

Robeson County photo
Disaster Impacted Resident Speaking at a Disaster Justice Tour in front of his new elevated home in Robeson County

Robeson County Disaster Survival
The Robeson County Disaster Survival and Resiliency School: Lessons Across Places
EcoGovLab Robeson County event
The Robeson County Disaster Survival and Resiliency School: Lessons Across Places

Project: Environmental Injustice in Santa Ana, California, USA
This project creates space for collaborative work to characterize and address enviornmental injustice in the City of Santa Ana in Southern California.

Project: Formosa Plastics Global Archive
The Formosa Plastics Global Archive supports a transnational network of people concerned about the operations of the Formosa Plastics Corporation, one of the world's largest petrochemical

Writing an Advocacy Letter example: Fortun, Mike Comment on Santa Ana General Plan
supporting document for the Seeds to Solutions/CCEJP curriculum project
Risk Management Plans

This collection focuses on disaster preparedness and risk management in Calhoun County, Texas
created by Lena Fortun