Zackery.WhiteThis article does not address emergency response. The main focus of this article is the effect of social policy change on public/immigration health.
This article does not address emergency response. The main focus of this article is the effect of social policy change on public/immigration health.
The hardest thing that they have to deal with is trying to convince uneducated legistalors on topics that can affect millions of lives. The material that seems simple to them must be conveyed in a mundane matter.
A way to improve would be to include more national statistics as it seems very localized with its current content.
Some data that can be collected by audio recordings and geo-locations.
Any interview qithe the prime minister or TEPCO official, it just seems as they would try and protect their image as apposed to doing it for benefit.
There was no precatuions taken regarding the waste in the Passaic River. Many of the locals knew it for its murky waters after years of industrial toxin buildup.
It can give data through polls as "multiple data types", it can aslo track posts through social media, and sms text responses.
This report is about an initiative taken by the government to rectify a century's worth of pollution dumped into the Passaic River and the means used to do it.