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The numbers and totals on the damage done by the hurricane were given out by total occupied after the storm had hit. Most importantly then the numbers, the pictures of the storm before/after is what occupied the whole research. More then words the pictures spoke on how big this really was, and then the numbers of the damage were also given which made it complete on how big of a damge this had really caused.


Alexi Martin

" the incorportation of health status in the provisions of the law, initially as a block to deportation and subsequently as grounds for granting residence, marked as a watershed."

"The logic of state soverignty in the control of migration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life."

"His body is finally the only social resource capable of causing a comparison that has been translated into law and would prehaps allow him to be granted permission to remain."


Alexi Martin

The program is located worldwide in many countries such as Eastern Europe, Italy and the US, to name a few. The resources are also located online and can be purchased and taught to individuals depending on the needd- for example general citizens or first responders (trained persons or the general population).