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Case Studies Winter 2024

Case study reports produced by students in UCI Anthro25A, "Environmental Injustice," in Winter 2024.

St. Louis Anthropocene: displacement & replacement


A brief essay about St. Louis' notorious eminent domain history--

--along with 2 recent St. Louis Post-Dispatch articles about "urban renewal" projects that are scheduled to reoccupy the Mill Flats area, which hosted the most notorious episode of displacement of African-American communities: the Chouteau Greenway project (will it serve or displace low-income St. Louisans?); and SLU's Mill Creek Flats high-rise project, which certainly will, and whose name seems to me an especially tone-deaf if gutsy move...



This study is published the Environmental Health Perspectives.  The journal helps explain the continuity between human health and the environment.  They publish topics like toxicology, epidemiology, exposure science, and risk assessment.  The publication is ranked highly among professionals and has a rating of 8.44. 



The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) are two agencies that many low-income families are enrolled in.  WIC provides nutritious food for pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women, infants and children up to the age of five; it is specifically available for household up to 185 percent of the federal poverty lines.  SNAP provides low-income families with nutritious food.