SfAA Panel: Beyond Environmental Injustice
Essay for the double-panel "Beyond Environmental Injustice", 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, March 22-27, 2021.
joerene.avilesThe program is part of the SUNY system located at the University at Albany.
a_chenStakeholders with this film could be doctors, international-wide medical and health services or professionals studied within the field of health conditions in the third-world countries. The MSF members (doctors) are the first person who get into contact with the locals, they would experience a range of situations with during and aftermath of the disaster. They have focused on the practical side of the medical service with contrast to the United Nation, UNICEF only planned the theoretical plans with meetings that MSF would said that are not suitable with the situations they have faced (~49:00 – 51:00). After the mission the MSF member served, each one of them have decided the future paths which assist the development of medical health within these areas in some ways. Professionals interesting in this field might benefit from the film fieldtrip recording and gain relevant research based on the situations described in the film in order to plan a possible solution to current situations or make plan for the future possible situation to prevent lack of medical service within third world countries and increase overall public health.
joerene.aviles"The impaired body, the body unable to produce, was socially illegitimate, then."
"By analogy with the therapeutic mesasures applied at the end of life for patients suffering from illness deemed incurable, we can describe the measures and procedures devised to allow foreign patients without residence rights to stay in France, receive treatment, and have their living costs paid, as a compassion protocol."
"The logic of state sovereignty in the control of immigration clearly prevailed over the universality of the principle of the right to life. The compassion protocol had met its limit."
Law does more than codify, regulate, and control; it also catalyzes and transmutes, provoking cascading social and cultural effects, particularly when the force of law is informational.