EiJ Global Record: Eastern North Carolina, USA

The eastern Piedmont and southeastern lowlands of North Carolina are the “birthplace” of the environmental justice movement (EJ) in the United States.
Project: Enviro Injustice Global Record
The Environmental Injustice Global Record is a collaborative initiative to build an expansive archive of material demonstrating the dynamics of environmental injustice in different settings.
Sugar plantations, Chemical Plants, COVID-19

The chemical plants in Cancer Alley are built where there once were sugar plantations. Descendants of enslaved communities still live nearby.
What the GAO nuclear waste map does NOT show
danapowellThis map is a fascinating and important image as it does NOT show the many sites of (ongoing) nuclear radiation contamination in communities impacted by uranium extraction and processing. For example, the Navajo Nation has around 270 unreclaimed open pit tailings piles. This is not official "waste" but is quotidian waste that creates longstanding environmental harm.