EiJ Hazard: PFAS
FOR ECOGOVLAB/CCEJP CURRICULUM: Use this as a research resource during 11th and 12th Grade Lesson 2 on Hazards.
FOR ECOGOVLAB/CCEJP CURRICULUM: Use this as a research resource during 11th and 12th Grade Lesson 2 on Hazards.
I hope to be involved in projects that aim to gather scientific evidence to inform environmental decision making and advocate for greater equity and justice in environmental governance. Through this work, I hope to learn the skills needed to engage in community based research and leverage community knowledge as expert knowledge. In my department, things are often siloed and issues are only seen through one perspective. I really want to gain more experience in collaborating with a wide array of stakeholders to come up with approaches to mitigate the environmental injustices experienced in under-resourced communities.
There are two (2) courses for this program. For age 19-40 yrs.
"A crucial point is how to expand a portable bridge. Usually a crane and a team of technicians is needed, but not in this case," Dr Paolo Beccarelli, Assistant Professor in Architectural Structures at the University of Nottingham explained to BBC News. This makes it a quick and simple solution when emergency bridges are needed. [2]
They might deal with the workers that not fully covered by OSHA Law. Or even deal with the employers not following the laws.
Some scientific data/information or relevant organizations’ site can be added as captions within the film, so the audience can have reference to research after watching the film.
With the patients, the data input into the system are the selections for the health assessment and their daily behavior progress. Providers then is able to enter an appropriate time for regular assessment for the patients.
A GoogleDoc link to a bibliogrpahy about PFAS in Santa Ana and community-led responses