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This study has been cited in several other articles and studies that look at disaster and intimate partner violence. Some focus on specific areas such as costal regions, others bring in other factors such as depression.



This is a Liability policy related to First Responders' that aims to enable first responders to aid peoples during the effects of a biological or chemical hazard without delay by allowing for first responders to ignore potential contamination spread in order to prevent loss of life. Once the situation is stabalized the previous protocols become active again in order to protect the environment and community.



Readers, however, often used the books for a different purpose:
identifying depression. Regularly, I received — and still receive — phone calls: “My
husband is just like — ” one or another figure from a clinical example.

HERE is where I want to venture a radical statement about the worth of
anecdote. Beyond its roles as illustration, affirmation, hypothesis­builder and lowlevel
guidance for practice, storytelling can act as a modest counterbalance to a
straitened understanding of evidence.



The program is targeted for the entire world. They want to advance science while encouraging peace and furthering the training and knowledge of those who will save lives in the face of disaster. This is able to apply to the whole world, based on the possible size of disasters associated with the magnitude of these types of power. Thus, the goal is for everyone to be involved, and most of the world is involved at this point.



The article emphasizes the need for a disaster-preparedness plan, with pre-existing infrastructure to address trauma and mass casualty management, as well as long-term sources of clean water and waste disposal. Assured primary healthcare and wide-spread vaccination usage help with these efforts.

Post-disaster, there will need to be intervention to ensure that these standards are being met, as well as surveillance for communicable diseases.



Emergency response is not directly discussed in this article, however seizures are a common reason to call  for EMS. Seizures, or "fainting" as they called it, can be dangerous, especially if the patient is alone or if it is at night. If there are a lot of people with epillepsy that is not controlled, then there could be an overload on the EMS system.