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Dr. Schmid supports her point of view by discussing the flaws in the current system, such as how responses tend to only cause reforms at an organizational level rather than internationally. She also discusses how incorporating civilian education can help ease fears and improve how civilians react to incidents. Finally, she mentions various agencies that could organize international nuclear response, supporting her argument that it is possible bring together more people that just those who are technically elite.



"The poor are the natural constituents of public health, and physicians, as Virchow argued, are the natural attorneys of the poor."

"Because of contact with patients, physicians readily appreciate that largescale social forces—racism, gender inequality, poverty, political violence and war, and sometimes the very policies that address them—often determine who falls ill and who has access to care."

"The term “structural violence” is one way of describing social arrangements that put individuals and populations in harm's way"



Scott Knowles is the Head of the Department of History at Drexel University in Pennsylvania. He specializes in the history of technology, disaster, and public policy. He has a number of other publications that are relevant to the DSTS Network including a book, The Disaster Experts: Mastering Risk in Modern America, and co-authored "Critical Studies in Risk and Disaster, and a volume on the Fukushima disasters. He is not professionally situated among emergency responders; however, he does conduct research on the subject.



This program is viewed as a novelty to the public, as it is the first college of its kind to offer a degree in homeland security and emergency preparedness. A number view it as a step in the right direction and an innovation. The program does not appear to have been around for long enough to yeild graduates, so those results are still unkown.



this report has spread to a number of academic institutions and their websites. This report seems to be relatively old, so I was unable to find any news reports that cited it. It appears that there are a number of other articles related to this topic; however, I was unable to find any direct connections between them and this report.



By examining the bibliography, it appears that this report was produced after the author conducted a great deal of research including interviewing other experts in the field and reading many other texts on the subject. One could also gather that the author examined publications by agencies relevant to the topic such as theIAEA and the US NRC.



"We help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from health care." From their website, they try to help people in medical emergencies where there isn't access to adequate healthcare.



This article discusses emergency response in the historical incidents and described why emergency responders had difficulty rescuing victims and why there were so many fatalities. The article did not, however, discuss the details of the emergency response, it focused much more on how the situation happened and the political and social aftermath.