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Welcome to Daniel's testproject
This video is for the conference on “Heath, Environment, and Education in Challenging Times” (2020). It is contributed by Mengyi Zhang and Louisa Hain.
Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident. The convention is aimed to take a high level safety in any nuclear activities to prevent accidents or in the case of the accident happened, minimizing the consequences of the nuclear effects. Furthermore, the convention is encouraging countries (state) that undertaking the nuclear activities can exchange information on the accidents in order to gained an internationally cooperation on nuclear safeties.
With the gather of information, the types of data that a user can enter are posts (reports) and surveys. The user can enter data via mobile apps or on software.
The organization does not claim that they have the unique way to address the issue intentionally. Personally think that the OSHA can be reached by educational materials and training institutes are very good for pre-caution to any workplace hazards. They also provided online newsletter on latest news about OSHA to assist both employers and employees.
Looking back at 2020, COVID-19 unleashed a global pandemic that sweeps across the world. It was unexpected to see China emerging as a winner of this pandemic.