UCI EcoGovLab EnvGov Intern Program: Santa Ana California | 2022-2023
UCI EcoGovLab EnvGov Intern Program: Santa Ana California | 2022-2023
eEM Fall 2018 California at Risk
PECE essays to showcase research done by students in "Ethnographic Methods," taught fall 2018 at the University of California Irvine.
T-D-STS COVID-19 Project: Learning PECE 2
Digital collection supporting the second PECE tutorial session for the Transnational Disaster STS COVID-19 Project.
West TX Fertilizer Plant - CSB video
Chemical Safety Board video, produced by American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015.
Campus Copyright: Rights and Responsibilities
This policy guide explains the basics of American copyright law as it concerns universities, scholars, and scholarly publishers.
Healing Fukushima
This is the first few minutes of a video by STS scholar Sulfikar Amir; the entire video is available to watch on Vimeo at the source link provided below.