Beyond Environmental Injustice Research & Teaching Collective
This reseach and teaching collective supports researchers and educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who
maryclare.crochiereMany studies look at intimate partner voilence (IPV), but only two previous studies look at it specifically related to a natural disaster, so this research is inventive in that way. It uses data from a larger study of the area that was hit by Katrina. The data was obtained through interviews, and in the period of time 6 months before Katrina to 6 months after, measures of psychological and physical IPV are analyzed. These measures were also compared to a scale of how stressful the individual's life had been in that time frame, which was reached based on answers to questions about how Katrina affected the individual.
a_chenWith the spread of relevant information, OSHA has used mass media production to inform the publics. They also provide “OSHA's Hazard Identification Training Tool” via gaming mode to educate the publics (exe application and web flash). []
maryclare.crochiere" we aim to provide an overall picture of what we have learned from decades of research on the presentation, burden, correlates, and treatment of mental disorder following disasters. We also describe challenges to studyingdisaster-relatedpsychopathologyandlimitationsinourcurrentmethodologiesandoffer directions for future research."
"Childrenexposedtodisastersareparticularlyvulnerabletopsychologicalproblems,mostcommonly symptoms of anxiety (e.g., PTSD, panic, phobias) and depression but also acute stress reactionsandadjustmentdisorder(27).Elevatedvulnerabilityamongchildrenmaybeafunctionof their being less equipped to cope with what they have experienced (49)."
"Psychological first aid (PFA) has become the preferred post-disaster intervention, with three goals: Secure survivors’ safety and basic necessities (e.g., food, medical supplies, shelter), which promotes adaptive coping and problem solving; reduce acute stress by addressing post-disaster stressors and providing strategies that may limit stress reactions; and help victims obtain additional resources that may help them cope and regain feelings of control"
a_chenThis film is a good source for the general publics to gain awareness with lack of medical centers within the third world countries, so some audience might gain interest to assist the locals by contact the relevant medical organizations.
maryclare.crochiereThe argument is supported through research into political trends - the survivors gave up their own values to support anyone that could help them. There were interviews with the survivors and those living in the area - they dicussed how their lives changed, their inability to find work and their health issues that started immediately or soon after the disaster. The authors also did research of programs to help the survivors - looking at the compensation they could recieve, options for working, how to get healthcare, etc.
a_chenAs mentioned above, Cloud9 has partnership with Capital Factory, IBM, Telemental Health Institute and Health Wildcatters. But for a system to work, it is more important that patients, providers and organizations have come and work together.
maryclare.crochiere**Linda not Laura as I previously stated