Beyond Environmental Injustice Research & Teaching Collective
This reseach and teaching collective supports researchers and educators working against environmental injustice in diverse settings, in diverse ways. It is open to all, including students who
Theme 1: Ecological Data & Data Center Infrastructures
Written by: Tony Cho
Research conducted by: Seowoo Nam, Dohee Jeon, Jiyun Lee, Tony Cho
Theme 3: Living in the Dust Age
Written by: Tony Cho
Research conducted by: Eunbin Cho, Yuwan Kim, Heewon Kim, Tony Cho
Slow Seoul Workshop
Slow Futures Laboratory presents the Slow Seoul Workshop.
maryclare.crochiereThis program aims to aid the member states in preparing, testing, and improving emergency response for nuclear emergencies and radiological accidents.
maryclare.crochiereI looked up how other countries and areas of the world fund emergency response, like ambulance agencies. I also looked to see in which countries these services are most developed. The last point I researched was the size of the area affected by Chernobyl and the population density of that area.
maryclare.crochiereI research stories about antidepressants and compared those to research on the drugs.