COVID Communications: UK Simon Community
This document is a briefing note that explores transnational perspectives on risk communication, drawing on discussion in the COVID-19 Transnational Disaster STS Project Design Group. The bri
COVID Project Permission: UK Simon Community June 2020
Documentation of permission provided by the UK Simon Community to open share a briefing document prepared for them by Amanda Windle.
Private Digital Data
AmandaWindleAnnotation of
This is very hard to say upfront. I'm not an advocate for saving data for the sake of it.
Understanding and having the option to have some data open and some data restricted ongoing. The button at the bottom of the Annotate tool is helpful in this respect.
Green Intervention to enhance urban Biodiversity in Gröpelingen marketed by the city as an valuable "nature-based-solution" for the development of an inclusive future with benefits for nature and s