Project: Formosa Plastics Global Archive
The Formosa Plastics Global Archive supports a transnational network of people concerned about the operations of the Formosa Plastics Corporation, one of the world's largest petrochemical
The Formosa Plastics Global Archive supports a transnational network of people concerned about the operations of the Formosa Plastics Corporation, one of the world's largest petrochemical
The main point of the article is that private ambulance and fire department agencies have questionable policies and business practices that hurt not only patients but also their employees. It's supported with anecdotal evidence following several agencies that have filed for bankruptcy, going over incidents of lateness, understaffing, lack of supplies, and aggressive billing or lawsuits to get payments from patients.
Byron J. Good, the author of this book is currently a professor of Medical Anthropology at Harvard, with his research focusing on mental health services development in Asian societies, particularly in Indonesia. He has done collaborative work with the International Organization for Migration on developing mental health services in post-tsunami and post-conflict Aceh, Indonesia. More broadly, he works on the theorization of subjectivity in contemporary societies.
It addresses concerns over safety of a potential nuclear disaster at Indian Point, as well as how many emergency response districts feel unprepared in education, manpower, and funding for prepartation and response to such an event.
Miriam heavily references an article published by MSF about what they could have done better post-Congo
She also references media analysis and reports by other humanitarian organisations on the same topic.
Finally she uses this knowledge to argue that humanitarian aid and/or politics needs rethinking because of these faults in incorporating gender-based issues
On a day to day basis as a healthcare professional, this isn’t very important outside of a teaching and understanding standpoint. A disease is, first and foremost, a disease, and needs to be treated accordingly. While healthcare professionals should educate their patients about risk factors that could lead to their increased likelihood of illness, as well as understand and appreciate why some populations are more vulnerable than others, it does not assist in direct disease treatment.
Almost all of the references cited in the bibliography were taken from Google Scholar, implying that the authors used this database to collaborate on the article through the internet. Many of the articles cited were from Paul Farmer's own works, so he also seems like the main contributor to the article.
Emergency response is incrediably relevant to this article. Although a lot of the focus is on humanitarian aid, EMS has these same issues. We have limitations on how much information about a patient we can discuss, although more information is available for statistical use. It is also hard in the short period of time with a patient to fully understand a lot of this information, and we don't go into the field as researchers. Finally, motive is completely unimportant to us most of the time. We see what is wrong and we treat it, we can't worry why the person has a laceration, that is the job of the police, except in the cases of child or elder abuse.