The Radiological Protection System - Steve Terada
Steve Terada
Masters Student, Nagasaki University
Department of Disaster Radiation Medical Sciences
Joint Graduate Course with Fukushima Medical University
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On the ResearchGate website, the article was cited 28 times in other works; the top 3 studies/ articles were: "A Pre-Event Configuration for Biological Threats", "Airports, localities and disease", and "Repositioning the Front Lines?: Reflections on the Ethnography of African Stereotypes".
joerene.avilesAnnotation of
In response to
The program was funded by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who gave $15 million to create the college.
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In response to
The study analyzes the high incarceration rates in the U.S. as an epidemic connected to the lack of public health resources available to populations being arrested.
This case study report was developed in the class “Advanced Social Medicine'' in the Nagasaki University|Fukushima Medical University Joint Graduate School, Division of Disaster and Radiation Medic