Theme 1: Ecological Data & Data Center Infrastructures
Written by: Tony Cho
Research conducted by: Seowoo Nam, Dohee Jeon, Jiyun Lee, Tony Cho
Written by: Tony Cho
Research conducted by: Seowoo Nam, Dohee Jeon, Jiyun Lee, Tony Cho
Written by: Tony Cho
Research conducted by: Eunbin Cho, Yuwan Kim, Heewon Kim, Tony Cho
Slow Futures Laboratory presents the Slow Seoul Workshop.
This article is an excerpt from a book which I do not have access to. The bibliography is not contained in the excerpt but bases on the supporting evidence used in the article we can infer a few things about it (see “What were the methods, tools and/or data used to produce the claims or arguments made…” above).
"Child poverty is becoming more concentrated."
"It is no coincidence that the County’s municipalities with the highest child poverty rates are one and the same as the County’s majority-black municipalities. Sixty-three percent of poor families in high child-poverty cities are black."
The New York Times conducted over 100 Interviews over 6 months with police officers, firefighters, government workers, and witnesses.
“Those interviews were supplemented by reviews of 1,000 pages of oral histories collected by the Fire Department, 20 hours of police and fire radio transmissions and 4,000 pages of city records, and by creating a database that tracked 2,500 eyewitness reports of sightings of fire companies, individual firefighters and other rescue personnel that morning.”
The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) was referred in the article, which is a deprivation index used in the United Kingdom.
The main point of the article is to show that Riker Island is an environmental and ethical catastrophe. This is supported by the heat emergencies that are risking lives of inmates. Air pollution in the facility is rampant due to methane gas that is being produced by the landfill it was built on. The decomposing landfill causes shifting in the ground that is leading to cracking which subjects the facilities to flooding during adverse weather.
The program is funded through the University of Tulane, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, and the Royal Norwegian Government.