Institutional and State-Sanctioned Risks
The United States has pride itself in their progressive turn to address racism, however, they have done so without directly addressing the root cause in fundamental issues of race, gender, and sexu
The United States has pride itself in their progressive turn to address racism, however, they have done so without directly addressing the root cause in fundamental issues of race, gender, and sexu
Police in Government (1974) sought to teach black youths how to behave under the façade of U.S.
This image is was taken from Los Angeles Star, the first newspaper in Los Angeles, that covered the lynching of Pancho Daniel.
This article address emergency response and public health in that providers are there to help patients and releive suffering and in doing that, specifically in times of crisis protocols are broken and morals come into play a little more. In this article a doctor euthanized suffering patients who may or may not have been rescued from the hospital during hurricane Katrina.
The Red Cross targets people to help who are suffering from a disaster.
This article used, testimonials, field research and analysis of the healthcare system and govermental policies.
The system relies on relationships with scientific institutions, government institutions, and educational institutions.
I looked further into land fill decomposition and other "islands" that have been made on landfills. I also looked further into the legal history of Riker Island and the typical inmates that are sent to this facility.
The United States adopted the term Latino in the 2000 U.S. Census. The term Latino means Latin and was created to refer to people who are from Latin America.