Institutional and State-Sanctioned Risks
The United States has pride itself in their progressive turn to address racism, however, they have done so without directly addressing the root cause in fundamental issues of race, gender, and sexu
The United States has pride itself in their progressive turn to address racism, however, they have done so without directly addressing the root cause in fundamental issues of race, gender, and sexu
Police in Government (1974) sought to teach black youths how to behave under the façade of U.S.
This image is was taken from Los Angeles Star, the first newspaper in Los Angeles, that covered the lynching of Pancho Daniel.
The main argument made in this article is that the term "chronic disaster syndrome" can be used as a diagnosis of Katrina survivors as opposed to PTSD. They use this term on the basis of factors including: individual suffering (trauma), the workings of disaster capitalism tied to the undermining of public infrastructures of social welfare and their replacement with private-sector service provision through contracts with for-profit corporations, and the ways that displacement functions within disaster capitalism. They make the point that this term can be used in link with disasters. In this case, Katrina caused "chronic disaster syndrome" to most survivors in that they were affected (and still are) socially, politically, and individually. The trauma experienced and the lack of leadership and governmental response created stressful situations for all residents of New Orleans pre-Katrina.
It uses flow charts that are easy to understand and uses other charts that lead physicians to proper patient care.
Sonja D. Schmid uses data pertaining international response to the disaster that occurred in Fukushima. She uses references and information gathered that has to do with the reactions of various leaders. She uses past situations and opinions in order to formulate her conclusion and claim that there is a need for an international nuclear emergency response plan. She pulls from examples that show that many organizations that tried in the past to create a plan failed due to the lack of international authority.
It doesn't talk about these things because its focus is on depression and the ways in which stories and personal experiences could help doctors better the lives of their patients.
There are no references attached to the article, however, the author does refer to various news sources and has apeared to have interviewed UN officials and other people involved in rebuilding efforts via NGOs.
The United States adopted the term Latino in the 2000 U.S. Census. The term Latino means Latin and was created to refer to people who are from Latin America.