Andreas_RebmannThe Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhoad Island
The Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhoad Island
Require internet, doesn't have a system for downloading these things directly. Not terribly applicable with this platform because it's not meant to be used for more than browsing.
According to google scholar this article has been cited 45 times. Some articles include:
"Medically unexplained physical symptoms in the aftermath of disasters"
"Postdisaster health effects..."
"Mental and social health in disasters..."
This article focuses more on the long term effects of Chernobyl and the situations that arise from its long term effects.
The research is mostly done observationally, from Good’s own experiences trying to do other research in Turkey
How is emergency response addressed in the article or report:
It isn’t, but the take-aways of trying to access a patient’s history through the lens of their narrative help to explain the difficulty of getting at the root issue while dealing with a patient
In this case, the main point of the article was to be rpepared ahead of time so that the damage during and after the disaster would be minimized. With education for the communities, after a disaster it would be much easier to move and treat people without as much confusion as there might have been.
There was a thorough amount of research and sources found bothf rom articles and books that she used to shape her article and arguement, as well as for her analysis.
The authors received no special funding for this article.
If health workers are targeted more often, and when
Hospital workers and violence
EMS protocols for combative patients
They analyzed reports, policies, and the history of health response systems in order to come to their conclusions.