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The bibliography shows references to several papers by many of the same authors, showing it was produced as a continuation of previous ideas but showing new information learned through the PIH’s activities in Haiti and Rwanda. The bibliography also shows many references from the early to mid 1990’s showing similar thoughts to initial research done in Baltimore and other places with high rates of AIDS.



Scott Knowles is a professor at Drexel University and also a faculty research fellow of the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware. His work focuses on risk and disaster, with particular interests in modern cities, technology, and public policy. The Disaster Experts: Mastering Risk in Modern America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011) is his most recent publication cited in his Drexel bio.



The article highlights large gaps in existing research concerning violence against health care workers in environments were the political and cultural atmosphere affects security in complex and unstudied ways. The article argues that the lack of research is partly due to discrepancies between public opinion, government opinion, and academic review makes understanding the causes of violence and risks to health workers challenging. The article suggests that an effort on the part of aid organizations to make their data easily accessible along with greater funding and academic interest the motives behind violence against health workers could be better understood.



The World Trade Center collapse was a unique disaster for American organizations to deal with, the aftermath and subsequent investigation into the collapse shows a need for a unified system of authority between investigative organizations. The paper shows the development of his system using several other disasters throughout American history.