[NYCU-NDHU-UCIRVINE GC2022] 05/26 "Food Justice": The Weight of the Nation: Poverty and Obesity
05/26 Food Justice
The Weight of the Nation: Poverty and Obesity
Collaborative Health: Health in All Policies by ChangeLab Solutions
"Health is one of our most precious resources. People everywhere want their families and communities to be healthy and to thrive. But what does it really take to make that vision a reality?
Health Equity Animated: Equity vs. Equality by Blue Cross Minnesota
This 1-minute video explains the difference between equality and equity, clarifying the need for a holistic perspective when addressing social determinants of health.
Determinants of Health - Introduction Video by Dr Ranil Appuhamy
This 4-minute video summarizes determinants of health.
05/12 Readings for Taroko:
Asia Cement mine on Indigenous land in Taroko Gorge
【亞泥採礦】太魯閣族人與亞泥新城山礦場|礦下的生存和選擇《上》(我們的島 1155集 2022-05-09)