FEMA National Inventory of Dams
The National Inventory of Dams (NID) documents all known dams in the United States and its territories that meet certai
Historic Disadvantage Quiz Answers
Answers to quiz questions related to "historic disadvantage."
Gender Injustice Quiz Answers
Quiz answers related to the concept, gender injustice.
Epistemic Injustice: Answer Key
Quiz answers for the concept, epistemic injustice.
Environmental Right-to-know: Answer Key
Answers for quiz questions related to "environmental right-to-know."
Combo Disasters Recommended Reading/Watching
Readings and videos that illustrate the concept of "combo disasters."
Census Tract: Check Your Understanding
Check your understanding for the concept census tract.
Census Tract: Check Your Understanding
Check your understanding for the concept census tract.
Intergenerational Injustice: Organizations
Organizations and data resources related to the concept, intergenerational injustice.
Greenwash is a platform created to help consumers recognize the variety of tactics companies use to greenwash and to reveal the scale of the problem.