EiJ Films
Collection of films and supplementary material for teaching Environmental Injustice.
Taiwan RCA Toxic Tort
Hsin-Hsing (Dico) Chen, Paul Jobin, and Yi-Ping Lin have for almost two decades supported the first collective action toxic tort in Taiwanese history, Former RCA Employees’ Mutual Aid Association v
Guinea Pigs Go to Court: Epidemiology and Class Actions in Taiwan
Chapter 8 of Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World (edited by Soraya Boudia and Nathalie Jas, 2016) was co-authored by Paul Jobin and Yu-Hwei Tseng.
Disaster STS Researchers
This PECE essay collects profiles of social science and humanities researchers who study disaster through an STS lens.
Translating Toxic Exposure: Taiwan RCA
This February 2018 toxicnews.org article, "Translating Toxic Exposure: Taiwan RCA," covers the groundbreaking verdict in a toxic tort case between Taiwan Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and its
Taiwan Court Steps
This image accompanied the toxicnews.org article, "Translating Toxic Exposure: Taiwan RCA."
Scott Frickel
Dr. Scott Frickel is Associate Professor of Sociology at Brown University, and a fellow of the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe how critical data designers have created projects that ‘push back’ against the eclipse of environmental problems by dominant orders: the pioneering pollution da