A photo essay to introduce you to the EATWELL project.

A photo essay to introduce you to the EATWELL project.
In the spirit of life long learning
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
In the College of New Jersey Hurrican Sandy oral history, The oral collected some information about residents affected by Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey. All the stories about the effects of such a hazard include all groups and classes of people, such as poor or rich, young and old, and families and single people. Hurrican Sandy's damages were distributed among all groups of people, by destroying houses, drowning people, and lost of electricity and water for days and months. This oral history shows the different stories and events of all the different groups that were affected really bad in the Hurrican
the vulnerabilities of Hurricane that are affecting community are destroying homes and landscape, which impacted the whole community, included children who need to feel safe and have homes to stay in. Providing any event of arts for the Hurricane victims will help them recover from such a terrible experience.
The vulnerabilties impact the community in a long term influence, especially fire. Fire hazards need more attention. the government should update their Police and Fire policies around the expansion of the fire events.
Newark is notably a more poor community then the rest of NJ. This alarming study comes to show that economic differences can affect the area you live. The problem is that these people probably didn't have enough money to settle anywhere else, and the prices of housing in the ironbound community must be cheaper then other places for the reasons cited, such as air pollution. The community is near the port and industrial area, so it's very hard to get away from the pollution. At least they are trying to keep an eye out for the problems of pollution, and with the help of the EPA, the ironbound community now monitors the air quality.
''Nature is eventually going to take its course,'' said David Turner of the United States Forest Service. ''It is a cataclysmic event for humans. But this is a dry habitat. Fire has been sweeping through this land for centuries.'' The flames are part of a cleansing process with real benefits, a lesson the Indians learned long ago to their hunting advantage but forest officials came late to. Now, in part due to budget restrictions, they do not rush in to fight every blaze everywhere. Some isolated fires are left to burn themselves out, naturally.
The vulnerabilties impact the community in a long term influence, especially fire. Fire hazards need more attention. the government should update their Police and Fire policies around the expansion of the fire events.